I told you that I have been really inspired by flowers in Bali.
Actually, the flower that I am holding, it is kind of the micro view of one of this gorgeous red tree:

And the picture taken at Uluwatu Temple which has inspired the drawing above : RED TREE : MACROCOSM (?)
Even if I studied Geography (Hell yeah!) I still get confused with macro or micro view concept. The same with small scale versus large scale. Back in University of Lausanne, I used to remember that what they is called the small scale was actually the reverse of what I thought (which I guessed being as the common sense ). But remembering that the right answer is the exact opposite of what I think, is not a very pleasant way of learning. Therefore, I had to to go back to the roots of the problem.
“In other words, they show large areas of land on a small space. They are called small scale because the representative fraction is relatively small. Large scale maps show smaller areas in more detail, such as county maps or town plans might.” (wiki)
Is it any clearer now ?
In a nutshell, I wanted to explain that the red flower was the foundation of the giant red tree. If you like, the red flower could be for the tree what the cell is for the body. The microcosm and macrocosm…. ANYWAY, you understand why I needed the idea of macrocosm and microcosm for. I read this article but I am not still one hundred per cent sure that I understood. Some help from sociologists/physicians would be welcome ! 😀
Changing the subject, on the first drawing, tied around my wrist you can see a red bracelet. A friend of mine told me that, according a popular belief in China, the year you are supposed to turn 24, either something very good or very bad can happen to you. She also told me that throughout this famous year, in order to protect you and to give you luck, you’re always supposed to wear something red.
I decided that the notion of wearing red for luck didn’t have to be only for my 24th spring (since it is not planned not for 2016.. a priori though 😉
What is cool with the mix of cultures is that you can inspire you from other cultures, you can pick, borrow and adapt what you like and leave the rest. Eventually, by meeting other people from other culture, you can create and embody your own home-made culture and belief and value system.
I did not intend to speak about that today but *sigh* what can I say.. life ?
(my brain hurts now)