The Return of the Cap


In my IT & Society class, we were supposed to created and feed a blog in group. My classmates chose to do a blog about Fashion at University.


As I am not big on it (at all), I did my best to contribute in a creative way.

“For this second post I would like to talk about the Snapback. This old-school yet classic accessory can give you the statement you are looking for to add to your next look.

The Snapback is a versatile accessory – you can wear it either with a skirt or with casual jeans. Cara Delavigne is a fantastic example of someone who plays with the cap all the time. If youโ€™re looking for inspiration, you can check her out for ideas on any of her social media platforms.

Here is my design for a snapback to make you the coolest kid at Macquarie University!

Hope you’ll like it ๐Ÿ˜‰ !”