Monthly Archives: March 2016
Gum Trees in the Sun or Sorry I am late ♥
Sea + Sunsets = Seasets + Lemon Tree
Dear you,
As I told you before, I have been to Melbourne a couple of days for holiday just before the beginning of the semester. There, I didn’t draw that much, instead I took a lot of pictures.
As my real camera is still resting somewhere in France (I know exactly where it is. I can perfectly visualize it, in my closet on the bottom left. Oh dear.. why am I so scatterbrained sometimes?), I bought a disposable camera for the occasion. This has made me a bit nostalgic because whenever I went on holiday with friends or summer camp, I use to buy a disposable camera. I started out with a basic and legendary red Kodak than I have upgraded for the waterproof one.
Those were the days I can tell….
Anyway, I have just developed the film and though I didn’t remember taking as much pictures of sunset as I actually did, I am rather happy with the result:

The moon and I

Fisherperson (a lot of changes can occur into everyday language. That is why it is time to be a bit progressive and to stop the fireman, fisherman thing & cie) 😀

Little bird.
And my favourite:
there was something special about that sunset in particular..
It was …gorgeous!
Besides, I think that the person (or computer, you never know nowadays) who was in charge of developing the camera’s film, has heavily processed my photographs on its own initiative. Like, the colours, the luminosity and the contrast are supernatural sometimes. I did not ask for that but I like it that way. And it is true that all the sunsets that I have been able to see were magical somehow.
Concerning the Lemon Tree:
During my stay in Melbourne, we have been to Point Lonsdale for the week-end. In the garden of my host’s (beautiful) house, you could see a lovely lemon tree with one lemon swaying in the wind.
No, no, no. It is not far-fetched at all ! This lemon tree has a legitimate place in this post. It belongs to the Melbourne-trip-thematic.
Allez, bisous.
PS: while you are walking along the ocean, or sea, or lake or whatever, you can listen at Ocean – John Butler. It puts you straight into the mood for that. (Courtesy of Lucy)
Byron Bay & Geography
Quickly quickly.. because *singing in unison* I am super busy:
This is very old drawing. At least… 5 or 6 months !!! wouhou.
I said “very old” because things are rapidly changing here in Australia and there around the world, that 6 months can be a long long time.
I said “here in Australia” because obviously, being in exchange is not quite the same as living at home. Here, I am constantly watching the landscape, the vegetation, the people (I know it is not polite, but hey! people are fascinating). I perceive so many new things that I always want to give my own interpretation of these through my drawings. When you are away, you see everyday life with new eyes. Like.. what seems to be ordinary for local people might actually be very curious for me. I strongly feel that way, even in a western culture such as Australia which apparently seems much alike France or Swiss’ culture. I think that is partly why my drawing skill is changing everyday, because my creativity is fed by such novelty. Even when I am asleep, or while I am studying, or while I am talking I feel like the way I draw evolves. It is also because the act of drawing is related to the right side of the brain (I read something about that, it is a riveting topic by the way!) blabla.
Anyway, let us come back to the topic: The changing nature of things
I spoke about changing things “around the world” because this semester, Geography and I have decided to make peace after 4 years of love-hate relationship. I am proud to say that I took the first step in this endeavour by taking “Geographies of Global Change” class. And guess what? Geography has seemed to feel the same way so far ♥. I am absolutely delighted! The teacher is so good, interesting and it is really refreshing to study a “well-known” subject from such a different perspective, especially when she talks about France or Europe (she hasn’t mention Switzerland …..yet). I put “well-known subject” between commas (that’s irony-) because I feel that, even though I have gained knowledge about Geography during my 3 years study in Switzerland (hell yeah! Sometimes with pleasure for human geography and sometimes unwillingly when it was about geomorphology), I always felt like I couldn’t really, deeply understand the purpose of my studies and why geography matters so much. BUT NOW I GET IT!! Explaining now the secret would take too much time. J’ai déjà explosé mon forfait msn et blog du jour. Puréé je suis en forme aujourd’hui.
So quickly quickly, to give you a small explanation of the drawing: this is a picture of Byron Bay that I did start during our road trip in September and that I have just finished (procrastination hello).
Byron Bay is such a cool place. Cool place for cool kids. If I was cool and if I was a surfer, I would definitely live in Byron Bay. (East Coast Baby!)
Since I am not cool (apparently to be uncool is the new cool haha) but above all I do not surf, I just don’t. If I ever move there, I am not sure that I would fit in.
Yet, I still really enjoyed our stay in Byron Bay, especially at the Arts Factory – Backpackers Lodge (bon là on atteint le sommet de la coolitude les gars!).
It is all for today.
Abruptly & joyfully ♪ ♫